Since 2013, Certus has prioritised full customer satisfaction. Thanks to the complete services provided by our legal advisors to individuals and companies, both Spanish and international, from specialised sectors and with a profile in technology and innovation, at Certus we focus on simplifying complex activities and on accompanying our clients on their path to success.

The firm

Our legal counselling firm in Spain was founded by two partners with experience in top-level firms with recognised prestige in the field of legal and tax advice.

Certus has a very clear identity: high-quality standards, the development of a responsible service as a priority, the transparency of our processes and, of course, the professionalism of all the members of the Certus team, in addition to excellent customer service. This is made clear in our relationship with clients, and it is thanks to this identity that we develop relationships of trust that last over time.

Equipo Certus

The team

The Certus team brings success to your company thanks to its multinational experience adapted to local needs in Spain. We are a team of young professionals with solid experience in complex multidisciplinary projects and with extensive capacities in developing national and international alliances. Our team of Spanish lawyers specialised in different areas offers flexibility and adaptability in the process of providing any service you need.

Jorge del Valle

Founding Partner | Legal, startups & Soft Landing Areas

Enca Baquero

Founding Partner | Tax, Startups & Soft Landing Areas

Beatriz Barba

Tax Area

Irene Lara

Labour Area

Julio Navarrete

Tax Area | Economist

Ana Bautista

Tax Area

Raquel Becerra

Tax and Accounting Area

Marta García

Tax and Accounting Area

Elena Rodríguez

Tax and Accounting Area

Our commitment

At Certus we understand that, as a legal counselling company, we are part of the company in which we work, provide services and generate employment and wealth. However, we also share this space with many other companies, and with clients, other entities, workers, friends and family. From our position, we firmly believe that we must reinvest part of what we achieve with those who have fewer opportunities and return much of what we have obtained to society as a gesture of solidarity.

This is the basis of our Corporate Social Responsibility policy, which gives rise to a series of actions in the form of active and voluntary contributions aimed at improvements in social, economic and environmental areas.

In addition, to offer legal assistance to everyone who needs it, we have occasionally offered pro bono services to disadvantaged people, businesses and individuals. Due to our position as Secretary of the Board of the Fundación CIENVIDAS, some of our suppliers have supported us by offering services free of charge or at special prices and we have contacted some of our clients to obtain additional contributions. This has allowed us to carry out assistance and development projects, such as the collection of computers for India. We have promoted the visibility of several of the foundation’s charitable initiatives in the media and have provided free secretarial, operational and specialised legal services for the foundation. Due to our position as Secretary of the Board, we also work regularly with the OCEAN US foundation for marine protection, which we support and promote in public entities in the legal and administrative areas.

If you want to find out more detail, you can follow all our actions and initiatives on our blog and join any of them.

Associations, Clubs and Entities

Certus and its staff team collaborate with a wide variety of associations, clubs and entities. This allows us to remain at the forefront of the sector and serves as an example of our commitment to excellence, quality and, above all, to our clients.

Digital Pact to Protect People.

At Certus, we are committed to the Spanish Data Protection Agency’s #PactoDigitalAEPD. This initiative aims at privacy in the sustainability policies and business models of organisations. Always bearing in mind that the fundamental right to data protection must be coordinated with innovation, ethics and business competitiveness.

Because proper data protection can help in the fight against inequalities based on race, origin, religion or gender, among others.

Digital Pact to Protect People

Contact us and improve your business.

Looking for a legal partner for your business? Certus is your legal counselling firm specialised in Spanish legal, tax, digital, startup and incorporation issues. Contact us and find out what our team can do for you or your company.

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